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Rachel Fairhurst

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Rachel Fairhurst is an absolute specialist and visionary within the final frontier of recovery from complex trauma and PTSD.

PG Dip, Psychotraumatology and PTSD /EMDR Therapist /Image Re-scripting Re-processing Therapy (IRRT) / Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) / Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PET) / Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) / Skills Training of Affect & Interpersonal Relationships (STAIR) / Clinical Hypnotherapy / NLP / Equine Facilitated Therapy & Learning (EFTL) / Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) CPD Accredited by the CPD Standards / Accredited by NCIP for specialist trauma focused Diplomas / Course designer & author. 

Rachel Fairhurst has been described as an absolute specialist in her field of work with Complex Trauma and PTSD and was given the name The Trauma Specialist by Joshua Isaac Smith, the co director of the EMDR Centre London and MD of adapt Faster after she became the go to person for all things complex trauma. Rachel has a unique ability to bring people back from what has previously been considered “unrecoverable” by applying her specialised treatment approach. Rachel has contributed to different contexts to be awareness of Trauma, these include newspaper articles, conferences and national advertising campaigns. 





Rachel created ITS in response to the dire lack of effective services for Trauma and PTSD and has never wavered in her belief that it is a basic human right to access services which offer effective and solution focused, sustainable outcomes. 








Rachel  has studied extensively and compiled her own research and understanding in order to create systems and frameworks which are in line with the national and international guidelines for working with complex trauma and PTSD. However Rachel has  refused to be restricted by only one school of thought and has blended traditional spiritual and indigenous cultures approaches which breaks the mould of a broken system. This revolutionary approach is unlimited and unshackled by traditional forms of therapy and is inclusive of all forms of recovery rather than rigid and exclusive. I.T.S has a proven track record of evidenced based results, and in order to make this excellent therapy available to a wider group of people who do not have resources Rachel is currently setting up a company with specialised therapeutic programmes with referral systems for social services.

Rachel has an absolute belief in the strength of the human spirit and refuses to accept that recovery is not possible. Each person has the right to freedom and it is within their power to achieve this. Knowledge, self mastery, discipline and support is the recipe for recovery and the resolution of Trauma and PTSD.

The Education and training Rachel has created are all designed for practitioners and people to up-level within their personal and professional worlds. The accredited diplomas are an exceptional opportunity to integrate highly innovative, evidenced based approaches to working with complex trauma and PTSD. These trainings have been integrated within NHS teams, Drug and Alcohol teams, Sexual abuse & Rape crisis teams, Refugee crisis teams, Private practitioners and many more, including international services and providers from Switzerland, Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, Portugal, America, Sweden

Rachel is supervised by multiple experts as her approach reaches across many disciplines.  

The Neuroscience of Silence

Rachel Speaking at a conference in Stormont house in Northern Ireland, organised by Split the Difference, a Human rights based organisation promoting equality in services for boys and men. The Question of the day was... Why do men not access services?

A National Suicide prevention campaign

Rachels human rights based line of thinking has led her to become co-Director of Split the Difference to bring awareness and specialised support for men and boys struggling with Trauma and suicide ideation.  Contributing to multiple campaigns to prevent suicide and self harm in the most marginalised population. 

Rachel has now written and trialed a highly focused, cutting edge programme  to process suicide ideation.

The London Metro Interviewed Rachel about children fleeing war.

Rachel was interviewed by Kimberly Bond, a Metro News reporter, although the article is a good transcript of the conversation, there are a few innacurasies, Rachel has never declared being a Psychologist. 

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